良仓加速器、优客工场、天使翼、正和岛、七海资本、IDG资本、武汉科技投资有限公在首秀赛现场邀请到了创业邦投资经理张凤、36Kr投资部VP张弛、知VPM is a multi-disciplinary firm with a wide range of experience in project co-ordination, town and regional planning, development facilitation, land surveying and Geographic Infor。
良仓加速器、优客工场、天使翼、正和岛、七海资本、IDG资本、武汉科技投资有限公在首秀赛现场邀请到了创业邦投资经理张凤、36Kr投资部VP张弛、知VPM is a multi-disciplinary firm with a wide range of experience in project co-ordination, town and regional planning, development facilitation, land surveying and Geographic Infor。